| a pensive wanderer-- sharing her thoughts on life, travel, and whatever adventure comes her way |

Thursday, August 21, 2014


Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Natalie & I'm a nomad. Kind of for real, well, minus the hunting and gathering part, but like the nomads, I really can't stay in one place for very long...Hence, why you and I are both here.
 Traveling. I really love traveling.

Nomadalie is going to be my ultimate outlet as I do just that. My explorations, my experiences, my advice, my ups, my downs ( i'll try to keep the cliche sayings to a minimum), my emotions, my food, my everything. You get the point. Pinpointing exactly what this blog is going to be about is just near impossible, as you can probably tell, I really have no idea. Yet, I can assure you it will always be 3 things:

1. Honest
2. Open
3. Me

The last one I find so crucial. With a day and age like ours, where social media is taking over and reality is becoming less and less real, one thing I find extremely important for each of us as individuals to uphold is the ability to be ourselves. Often times, we're so externally influenced by what surrounds us. I'm extremely guilty of this. I see instagram posts and facebook posts and immediately start comparing my adventure to somebody elses. That's not how it should be. Our adventures are our own, our perspectives our own, our lives are our own. We get to decide how we live it. You be you and I'll be me.

This blog is me, vowing to be me. just me. Real & raw.

Embark on this adventure with me, I'd love to have you.

Naturally yours,

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